Saturday, October 11, 2008


Me and my family just want to say thank you to all of our family and friends who have called and come by. There are so many people who care so much about Melissa and we are so thankful for your prayers and kind words. We feel all of your support and couldn't ask for better family and friends. We love you all.

We are having a special fast that we started tonight so anyone that would like to join is more than welcome.

I also wanted to write down everyone who has come by to visit so Melissa can read this when she wakes up. I keep forgetting to take pictures of everyone but here are a few:

Uncle Vern & Aunt Judy
Uncle Bernell & Aunt Starr
Our cousin Katrina
One of my best friend from high school, Janie
One of Melissa's best friends, Beau (in the picture above)
Another one of Melissa's friends Sarah LaRue, her mom, and Leah (in the other picture above)

I can't say thank you enough!



Luke and Mariah said...

Beau told me about Melissa tonight, and I can't believe it. Our prayers and thoughts are with her and your amazing amazing family. We'll be fasting for her for sure. Know that you are all so loved. Let us know what we can do to help. Hang in there- things WILL work out. :)

Love, Mariah

J n J Foster said...

Wow thanks for posting the blog, I had no idea what was going on and was thinking about your family just the other day. Our prayers and thoughts are also with her and your family at this time.

Marsha said...

Which hospital is Melissa in? I would love to come and visit, but I have been trying to find out which hospital she is in. Thanks


Beau said...

I love you Melissa.