Saturday, October 11, 2008

10/11/08 - Update

Friday morning Michelle wasn't able to wake up Melissa. She wouldn't respond at all so Michelle had to call 911. The paramedics came and she was taken to the ER close to their house. They did a CT Scan and found that her tumor in her brain was blocking the fluid that flows through the 4th Ventricle and that was causing pressure on the brain. It also looked like the tumor was bleeding inside the brain. Because of the Chemo she has been having she had very very LOW platelet count. She was at 1,000 when she came in and the normal person is 100,000. Platelets are in the blood and make the blood clot. The EMS poked her arm to get a line and she bled for over an hour. With such a low platelet count nobody would perform the surgery that she need because they feared she wouldn't stop bleeding. They gave her a couple platelet transfusions and was then moved to the Neuro ICU where they took another platelet count and it was high enough to have surgery. They did a surgery where they now have tubes in her head to drain the fluid that was causing the pressure. During the surgery they put a breathing tube in and today they are hoping to remove it and have her breathe on her own again. She has not regained consciousness yet but we are hoping that she will today.

All I ask at this time is for all of you to pray for her and my family that she will wake up soon and be able to talk to us again. We will try really hard to keep you posted on her condition.

She is such a wonderful person, she is perfect. I love her so much and know that everything is going to be okay.
