Monday, October 20, 2008

Dear MicKlane,

Melissa would like you to know that she only misses you a little... definately not as much as you think. Ha ha!

Love Michelle


Megan said...

MicKlane- You are awesome. Keep up on the school work and I will be checking on you. You are the best brother a girl could ever ask for. Thanks for your great example. I can't believe Melissa only misses you a little ha ha ha ha.

Micklane Farmer said...

hey michelle you dont know that melissa doesnt miss me
ask her

Valene King said...

Hi Melissa,
O.K. so I am a dummy. I have written every day and did not see my comment so I called Kenzie and she said that I have to set up an account. So now I have that done I will try again. It was so good to see you yesterday. You looked soooo good. If you and your mother keep those ol' nurses hopping like you were yesterday you will be out of there in no time!!! We love you so much. It was good to talk to Claudia and feel her strength, courage and faith. I think that helps everyone, she does need to hit the cafateria and the vending machines a little more often though!!! Well, we will be up to see you again. If there is anything you need please let us know, like a skateboard, rollerblades, treadmill, volleyball, etc...we would be happy to run them up and what you go!!! Just keep up the good work and concentrate on getting better. We all love you and our prayers are with you many times a day. Love Bruce and Val

Michelle said...


That was actually a direct quote from Melissa. I asked her and she said, "not as much as he thinks I do." Sorry, I didn't make it up. It's true. Ha ha!
