Monday, October 13, 2008

Here's the final update for the night:

They just put the feeding tube in and did an x-ray to see if it was put in the right place... so we're just waiting to here back about that.

Also, earlier today they did x-ray of her neck to make sure she doesn't have any blockage in her arteries. She has been complaining that her neck hurts so they just want to be sure. They haven't got the results from that back yet.

Also they have clamped the tube that is draining the fluid from her brain and they are leaving it clamped until tomorrow morning. Then they will do a CT scan to see if she is able to drain and absorb the fluid on her own. If she is doing well, they will take the shunt out.

We have to make sure her hands are tied to the bed all the time now because she is always trying to pull the tubes and IV's out.

Someone from her school dropped off a bunch of cards from students at her school and they are sooooo cute. They say they are from Mrs. Steiner's class. We have had a lot of fun reading them. Melissa is going to love reading those when she is able to. I thought you might all enjoy reading a few: (I'm typing them exactly the way they are written because I think the mistakes are so cute.)

"Get well soon Ms. Farmer. I hope you get out of the hospital soon. How are you? I hope your good. I wish you get well soon really. I like your name. It sounds cute. I super super super like your name. I hear that you are the greatst ever. And I think too. I miss you."

"I howp you git well befor it starts to snow so you dowt haf to wac thr the snow. git well soon. (** This one also had a hand drawn flowers that popped up when you open it. SOOOO CUTE!)

"Get well soon. your my friend. I hope you come back I really miss you and I hope you like this card and I think your eyes are so pritty and I think every thing about you is grate and I really want you to come back."

I was just reading some of them out loud to my mom and Melissa said, "Michelle, who wrote that?" I told her the name of the student and she said that she knew the student wasn't in her class but she knew that Mrs. Steiner taught 3rd grade. I went through and read her each card and she even cracked a little smile. THANKS MRS. STEINER'S CLASS. That was so fun!


Anonymous said...

Melissa, mom & dad, and family

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We think about you every day. I know that you have a great family to support you. I hope that your mom and dad find the strength they need and that their prayers are answered as well as everybody else. We all know that Melissa and her family have strong spirits.

I Love You,
Your Oldest (maybe not the wisest) Cousin
Christy Pace

Megan said...

These are so so so so cute. I am glad that she is getting better day by day. I love you Melissa. I can't wait for the day that I am able to come and see you. You are such an inspiration to me. I know you are one of the best and toughest people I know. When Michelle called me last night to tell me to come and read them I was in bed already and just got up this morning to do some homework and knew I needed to read the blog first thing. You are amazing Melissa.