Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rachelle and Zanette Sorenson dropped by to see Melissa today and brought her some socks and some flowers. They are so pretty! Starr and Bernell Hofheins came by today too.

Melissa's platelet count went from a 60 yesterday to a 29 today. She is going to have another transfusion tomorrow morning. Her white blood cell count is at 12.6 which is now too high. Normal is 10.5. They are running tests to see why it has gone so high.

Tomorrow they are going to do surgery to put a peg tube into Melissa's stomach. This is just a more permanant feeding tube. They think she will probably be going home with a feeding tube so this is necessary. They are going to give her platelets at 6AM and do the procedure at 8AM. Just pray that all goes well.

Thanks again for all your loving notes and prayers. We are truly blessed to have such amazing family and friends.


Dave&Lana said...

I can't get you off my mind. Grandma King came down today and we went to lunch. She wants to come up to see you so bad. I hope we can come up on Nov. 1st. That is our plan for now. Our prayers will be with you in the morning and always.
We love you,
Aunt Lana

Kara Jorgensen said...

We are friends of Mike and Dianna's from Cedar city. Melissa worked with my husband at Convergys. She is in our prayers.

Katie said...

I just want you to know that we are praying for you. You are in our thoughts each day. I hope all goes well with your proceedure tomorrow! Get better!
Katie Martineau