Today Megan brought up a Gingerbread Haunted House kit to see if Melissa, MicKlane, and McKenzie wanted to help put it together. Melissa helped for a little bit but the smell made her a little sick so they finished it out in the hall. But it turned out really cute!
It was a lot of fun having so much family up this weekend.
We went to church at the hospital this morning. It was only a 1/2 hour long sacrament meeting but it was fun to be able to take Melissa. She also had all three therapies today and she took 300 steps with a walker in physical therapy. She is working really hard.
You look great! Much, Much Better! I was so excited to see you looking so good. It sounds like you are making awesome improvements every day. Your blog title really fits you, "Amazing Melissa". You truly are amazing! Keep up the hard work and you will be out of there in no time. Thanks again to your sisters for keeping this blog updated. We all really appreciate it. Hang tough Melissa, maybe when volleyball gets over in a week, we can come up to see you. I am so glad to see your improvements. We sure do love you! You are always in our prayers!
Love, Ron, Lori and Fam
Thanks for the pictures. You're looking much better, Melissa. I am so happy that you are doing so well. Grandma Farmer enjoyed talking to you yesterday and is excited about coming up to see you. If all goes well, we may even see you tonight.
The Haunted House looks great. Melissa you are looking better and better everyday. I love you and can't wait to see you later this week :)
Hey Melissa...
Just wanted to stop in & say hello, you are looking so much better!
Not much is going on at school, the kids have been coloring some different Halloween pictures & have done some fun activities which we have hung in the classroom & in the hall. I will be sure to take some pictures & bring them to you so that you can see everything.
I also wanted to let you know that Bryan B. got 100% on his spelling test again last week, he is doing so well... you would be so proud of him just as I am!!
Hannah is no longer with us, she moved last Tuesday. We also got a new student, a boy named Johnathan, he's a cute kid & is coming along quite well.
Mrs. Bergie (sp) is doing a great job & the kids seem to like her.
Please don't worry about us just take care of yourself & continue to get better... we love you & we need you!
I'll see you soon!
Hi Melissa, it's Taralee. My Mom just told me about your blog, so I wanted to see how you are doing. It looks like you are making some really good improvements! I knew you would cause you are so strong!!! I wish we could come visit you, but we are living in California now. I just wanted to let you know that you are in our prayers and we wish the best for you. Thanks to your family for keeping us updated and taking such good care of you.
Love Taralee and Rob
Hi Melissa it is so good to see you smile. I have put your name in Temples from Hawaii to Boston from Florida to Alaska and in between I think it is in 34 Temples at this time that I know. Keep the faith I know your going to get better. We might try to run up from St George and see you this weekend if all goes as planned. We love our Mission down here. We are all praying for you. Love Aunt Carol and Uncle Wiff Pace.
We are so relieved to hear and see that you are doing much better. Last night, we had a fireside and Brother Dan Jones was the speaker.
I told him that you are in the hospital and he was very concerned.
He said that he wants to come and visit you. I told him about your blog. You keep working hard and keep up that positive attitude. There are many who love you and are concerned for you. Hope to see you soon.
Love you,
Aunt Lana
Hi Melissa and Family,
You look so great in these new pictures. You look like a new person from when I was up there to see you, it makes me so happy I just want to run and jump and screem!!! I am glad therapy is going good. Just a little more everyday will get you home faster. We really love you and are so proud of you. You are amazing and so is your family. Thanks to those who keep us updated, we really appreciate it. Now if I could just figure this blog thing out. I have written everyday but none of my comments are going through. I hope I get it figured out soon. Well, we all love you. Keep working hard. See ya soon. Love Val
Melissa- Wow I am so proud of you. I really enjoyed being with you all day yesterday. I wish I was able to spend more time with you. You are such a great example to me. I am glad that you are able to eat again. I love you so much. I was so happy when mom told me you walked so far today. I talk to her through out the day so if you hear the phone buzz, it is probably me and yes you did guess it was me even when you were in ICU. Oh do I wish I could be with you everyday up there. You are such a great person and your greatness radiates from you. I feel your amazing power every time I get to chill with you. I am going to try to come up on Thursday this week. I am sorry, I was going to come up tomorrow night, but I have a church meeting I feel I need to be to. Otherwise, I would definitely be up there. Who cares about classes, when I have such a great sister as you. I sure don't... Love ya lots, Meg
I am so glad to hear that you moved from ICU to the Rehab floor. That is great news! You look like you are doing so much better from your pictures Michelle posted. Thanks to all for keeping up this blog. Keep working hard in therapy I know you will because you have that "King Blood" running through your viens! We sure do love you and hope you continue to improve. You are truely AMAZING!!
Kenzie, Cameron, Kamree and Carter!
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